Dr Lilly Muller
Dr Muller is a Fellow at Cornell University and co-founded the STIR Group. She researches cybersecurity, broadly conceived, including cyber deterrence and threat intelligence.
A group of scholars researching the intersection of STS, IR and Security Studies
Dr Muller is a Fellow at Cornell University and co-founded the STIR Group. She researches cybersecurity, broadly conceived, including cyber deterrence and threat intelligence.
Dr Rodehau-Noack is an International Security Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University and co-founded the STIR Group. Her current work investigates the role of (emerging) technologies in conflict prevention and anticipation, and in particular artificial intelligence/machine learning.
Dr Stevens is a Lecturer in IR at Cardiff University and co-founded the STIR group. She takes an interdisciplinary approach to researching cybersecurity, with a particular interest in the productive power of secrecy and the politics of temporality.
Dr Hunter is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Copenhagen. His research is concerned with Chinese and American "strategic" technologies, especially nuclear weapons and space warfare.
Here are some examples of publications produced by the members of the STIR Group.
by Dr Johanna Rodehau-Noack
by Dr Lilly Muller
by Dr Clare Stevens
by Dr Cameron Hunter and Dr Bleddyn Bowen